Behavioral Phenotyping Core

About the Behavioral Phenotyping Core

The Behavioral Phenotyping Core (BPC) at SCRI is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to the protocol driven collection, analysis, and reporting of behavioral data using a blend of classic and cutting-edge assays. This core is designed to support a wide range of research areas, including neuroscience, psychology, pharmacology, and genetics by providing advanced tools and expertise for the precise measurement and interpretation of behavior. 

The BPC serves researchers at SCRI by providing dedicated space and infrastructure for experimental set up as well as an all-inclusive service options. The rooms and shared equipment can be booked for a fee. Services provided by the BPC include :

  • Supporting experimental design
  • Providing experimental set up
  • Conducting various behavioral tests
  • Comprehensive experimental support - creating a custom research plan that includes the number of animals required, a tailored battery of behavioral assays designed to test those hypotheses, a review to ensure compliance with all regulatory bodies (IACUC, OAC, etc.), as well as projected timelines.
  • Data analysis
  • Behavioral equipment development – creation of custom equipment tailored to specific experimental needs


Please complete the Project Intake Request to begin the process, or email 


Core Service Rates

User directed testing: $25/hr, up to $100/day. Weekly and long-term rates are available upon request. 

Core completed testing and behavioral assay training: $50/hr